Pregnant women have to be careful with many things during pregnancy to avoid any risk to themselves and the baby. While some signs like fatigue, mood swings, body aches, and headaches are common, many symptoms or you can say danger signs in pregnancy, are proven to be fatal if not taken seriously in time.
Dr. Joya, who's a renowned OB-GYN in Portland, Oregon, always assures the expected mothers that most of the pregnancies go smoothly and there's nothing to be worried about. Pregnancy problems do occur in rare instances. That is why every expectant parent should be aware of the warning indications that need instant contact with the doctor.
Keep reading 4 pregnancy symptoms you should not ignore:
Severe Headache
Mild headaches are common when you're expecting, which isn't something to worry about. However, if you feel it's getting severe or persistent, along with dizziness and fainting, it's best to reach out to your doctor.
Ask someone to accompany you along, as it can be risky to go alone when you're feeling dizzy. The best thing is to divert your mind to talking with someone or passing the time on your phone until your doctor comes. Remember to drink water simultaneously, as dehydration is also one of the causes of headaches.
We don't mean to scare you, but severe headaches during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters are clear signs of preeclampsia, which is caused by high blood pressure. In this condition, the blood flow to your child is limited and can cause health problems for the mother.
Those with a family or personal history of preeclampsia, high blood pressure, or diabetes are most at risk. Obesity, as well as having more than one baby, raises the risk of preeclampsia.
Vaginal Bleeding
Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is one of the symptoms women should never ignore. Although it is common in the first trimester, up to 25% of women experience spotting in the first few weeks of their pregnancy. However, heavy bleeding along with severe stomach cramps in the first trimester can also be a sign of miscarriage. Another potential cause of vaginal bleeding can be sexual intercourse or cervical exams.
Now, the most problematic period is the second and third trimesters, when the mucus plugs that seal the cervix are lost in early labor. It can also be because of a tear in your placenta, which should be diagnosed. In a nutshell, do not take vaginal bleeding, especially if it's heavier, accompanied by cramps, for granted. Consult with your gynecologist immediately and let them know. They'll suggest you what to do next.
Extreme Abdominal Pain
It is one of the danger signs of pregnancy, especially in the first 12 weeks and last few weeks of pregnancy. When a woman is pregnant for less than 12 weeks or hasn't had an ultrasound done yet but is experiencing extreme pain on one side of their stomach, your doctor will want to rule out an ectopic pregnancy.
If the pain isn't severe and you're easily able to bear it, and there's bleeding, then there's nothing to worry about, as abdominal pain is common during pregnancy. It can be because your uterus is expanding and your ligaments are stretching. However, if you experience severe or recurring discomfort later in your pregnancy, consult your doctor since it could be anything from contractions to appendicitis.
Excessive Water Discharge
You should be most watchful during the 24 to 36 weeks of pregnancy. In the last weeks of pregnancy, water discharge means that your water has broken, and you're ready to go into labor. If it's not your water bag, then it could be your pee leaking, as that's common due to the added pressure on your gall bladder.
Now, if you experience heavy fluid discharge before the 37th week, then it's clearly a pregnancy emergency, and you should immediately rush to your gynecologist. It could mean that your amniotic sac is ruptured, and you're going into preterm labor. If you're based in Portland, Oregon, then Dr. Joya is there to assist you promptly.
Danger Signs of Pregnancy in the First Trimester To Avoid
There are only a few restrictions, like abstaining from smoking, alcohol, drugs, etc. Other than that, there are no such restrictions on what not to do during the first trimester. For baby's growth and safety in the initial months, here are a few things you should be careful about:
Avoid raw meat and shellfish, deli meat, fish with high levels of mercury, smoked seafood, raw eggs, soft cheeses, and unpasteurized dairy.
Pregnant women are supposedly exposed to toxins in wall paint. Try to avoid those toxins.
Since caffeine is a stimulant and a diuretic, limit the intake of caffeine during pregnancy.
Stick to heels with a 3-inch heel or less, as longer can make you unsteady and fall on the surface unexpectedly.
If you've pets, then remember cat feces can carry toxoplasmosis, a rare parasitic disease. If you're dealing with a pet, you must wash your hands before and after.
Don't be seated or standing in one position for a longer period.
Signs of Overdoing It During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a beautiful period in a woman's life that transforms and prepares her for motherhood. Sometimes, women can overdo themselves during pregnancy, which isn't right.
When a woman is pregnant, her senses are heightened, and even the normal things seem unusual. For example, if your body is tired and swollen, all you need is some rest instead of running straight to your doctor.
There are tons of misconceptions about pregnancy exercises on the internet. Some people believe that pregnant women shouldn't exercise, while others disagree. The truth lies in the middle. If you’re into women's wellness fitness, there's no harm in working out in moderation without exhausting yourself.
During pregnancy, avoid overexertion, as it can lead to serious complications like preterm labor and gestational diabetes. Coping with fatigue includes resting, staying hydrated, and engaging in safe, low-impact exercises, but consult your healthcare provider for guidance.
What are post-birth warning signs?
Heavy bleeding (greater than usual or becomes worse), discharge, discomfort, or redness that persists or worsens. These might be symptoms of an infection in your c-section or episiotomy incision. Intense grief and concern that lasts for a long time after include.
What are the signs of a healthy woman?
Regular period
Light-colored urine
Your lips aren't pigmented.
Your wounds heal quickly.
You lose energy infrequently.
Your skin doesn't have abnormal acne, scars, and open pores.
Your nails are strong and pink.
Which month of pregnancy should you be careful about?
Because 85 percent of miscarriages occur during the first trimester, pregnant women are advised to exercise extreme caution. Continue reading to learn more about what to do and what not to do during the first three months of pregnancy. The first three months are critical for development.
What pains should I worry about in pregnancy?
These are symptoms that you should contact your doctor right away: Preterm labor symptoms. These include vaginal bleeding or spotting, unusual fluid flow, lower abdominal cramps, lower back discomfort, or persistent abdominal tightening (contractions).
Pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman's life, and you should enjoy it to your fullest. Your whole body changes during this period in a thousand different ways. However, it also comes with many risks and women's health issues symptoms that you shouldn't ignore. We have listed above some of the danger signs in pregnancy and what's unusual in your pregnancy. Stay connected to your gynecologist and schedule regular checkups with them to make sure everything's okay with you and the baby.